Mon., Apr. 1
Bullard (1999):
All communities do not receive equal protection. Economics, political clout and race play an important part in sorting out residential amenities and disamenities. Many economically impoverished communities and their inhabitants are exposed to greater health hazards in their homes, in their jobs and in their neighbourhoods when compared to their more affluent counterparts
What examples are you aware of?
Bullard (1999):
Environmental racism refers to any environmental policy, practice or directive that differentially affects or disadvantages (whether intended or unintended) individuals, groups or communities based on race or colour.
Why might it be helpful for a framework to focus on proving effect rather than intent?
Equity is a complex and multifaceted concept
Most studies that attempt to quantify equity do not clearly explain how their metrics relate to equity
Today’s lecture draws heavily on Pollack et al. (2024).
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
Equity is not the only place where values come into play in climate risk management
Engineers govern their professional careers on the following fundamental principles:
We can’t avoid value judgements. However, we should understand them, communicate them, and be open to discussing them.
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
Borrowing heavily from Wutich et al. (2023):
Table 1 of Jafino et al. (2022) where: \(u(x_i)\), welfare of individual \(i\); \(u(\bar{x})\), average welfare of all individuals; \(\gamma\), inequality aversion factor; \(u(s)\), minimum welfare threshold deemed sufficient; \(w\), preference factor for utilitarianism compared to egalitarianism; \(f(\cdot)\), min-max linear normalization
Quantifying a “welfare function” is a notoriously messy problem (Arrow, 1951; Debreu, 1959)
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
In the context of flood risk management, several key outcomes are often distinguished:
Environmental justice theories suggest: examine the distribution of both positive outcomes (benefits, recovery, funding) and burdens (risk) when evaluating equity
We can measure “equity” in different ways:
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
Pollack et al. (2024):
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
Theories call for analysts to uncover the causal factors that produce inequities and create injustice, rather than simply describing disparities.
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
Fletcher et al. (2022):
Getting comfortable with values
Equity how?
Equity in what?
Equity at what scale?
Equity with respect to what?
Procedural equity
Rather than reading a paper, please research an environmental injustice in Houston.
We’ll discuss projects in class on Wednesday. Please brainstorm possible topics.